Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


  1. I love the little livingroom in the midst of the garden! That's great!

    What kind of berries are those?

  2. Love the creative garden lounge! I'm totally into the outdoor living spaces, when you still feel like your outside. Love your wordless wednesdays too!

  3. Hi Liz and Anon. Thanks! I had a lot of fun setting it up. The 'walls' and 'doors' are all curbside finds, as is the art and coffee table. We used straw bales for seats covered with blankets. I also set up a small space where I keep some plastic dishes and cutlery, a basin to wash in and a drying rack.

    I love exterior decorating!

    Liz, the berries are red currants. I got about 2 liters off that one bush. They're in my freezer waiting to be turned into jam.
