Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


  1. The blue of the morning glories is beautiful. What's the yellow flower in the top picture?

    Hope you're having a wonderful summer, Amber.

  2. Lovely images - thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you both!

    Liz, I was told by a garden neighbour that the yellow flowers are Coreopsis. I inherited them with my allotment plot and they come up every year. They bloom all through the late summer and I think they're quite pretty. I especially love the contrast of the golden yellow with the purple blue of the morning glory. Late summer is my favourite time for blooms. I love the deep reds, purples, yellow and golds. I was pretty stoked to find datura blooming as well. It's such a funky plant!

  4. Just don't eat the Datura seeds, Amber. It's funkier than you know. And ..yes...your pictures are lovely.

  5. Beautiful flowers and morning glories.
    I wish you a wonderful fall with many blessings.
