Monday, January 17, 2011

The Tree Year

I noticed a few herb bloggers participating in The Tree Year.

The idea is to choose one tree near you that you can visit on a regular basis, get to know it better, observe any changes throughout the seasons and generally just notice the little things up close and personal. This sounds like a lovely compliment to my nature awareness practice I'm doing as part of my herbal studies, so I've decided to sign up!

Only trouble is, I'm having a hard time deciding on which tree to choose. I have four in mind. Balsam fir, white poplar, balsam poplar and black walnut. There are balsam poplar trees in the park next to my house, the white poplar and balsam fir are about a 10 min walk from my place, and the closest black walnut I know of on public property is in the arboretum about a 40 min walk from my house. I'll give myself to the end of this week to make a decision and then the fun begins!

Want to participate too? Get the details here. There is a Facebook page too.

Image source


  1. I'm tempted. Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. yep - it's hard to decide, isn't it :-)
    Welcome to the project - never the less...
