O.k. I know that technically this does not count as a true phenological event, but I'm marking the roasting of beets in my sun oven on March 19, 2011 as a 'first of the season'.
Not surprisingly, this moment has tended to occur around the vernal equinox the last three years. It always feels like a high holy day to me and something worth celebrating!
You have a Sun Oven?!? How lucky!!! I must have missed that post...and yes... I did get the point, but I got hung up on words "Sun Oven" I have ALWAYS ALWAYS wanted one!
Please post more about this!
I celebrated the occasion by hanging laundry out for the first time this year...
Hi Wendy! The ADG gifted me with the sun oven in the early days of when we began spending time together and getting to know each other. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it for the first time. It's wonderful and works really well. In fact I just brought in a piping hot pot full of roasted carrots, parsnips and potatoes. I use it as often as I can between spring and fall.
In the summer I put something into the sun oven before I leave for work and come home to a cooked meal. It's great!
He ordered it from here.
Laundry drying on the line is a perfect way to welcome spring!
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