In the background the sun oven stands empty, but earlier in the day it boiled potatoes and then cooked rice to perfection. During these long, hot days of summer I can cook two dishes a day, if I plan it right.
I can't remember the last time I used a dryer. Even in the winter and on rainy days, I hang my clothes up inside, but nothing beats the smell of clean clothes fresh off the outside line.
I decided not to go wildcrafting yesterday morning, cleaning, doing laundry and catching up on dishes instead and taking care of the plants I have already harvested. I emptied the dehydrator and got those herbs into jars. I saved this big bunch of nettle for the evening and sat outside after dinner removing the leaves from the stalks. I really enjoy each aspect of handling the plants, and find this one particularly calming and meditative. It's not something you can rush through. There is healing in this, of a kind that you'll never get from a pill.
In my glass was soda water and some of the spruce shoot syrup I made in May. O.k. and there might have been a splash of gin in there too! It's the brand of gin that's made with 10 different botanical ingredients, so the whole thing was basically an herbal preparation. There's healing in that I'm sure. ;)
I also made time for reading. I'm slowly working my way through the Little House Books. I loved the show as a kid, but never read the books. It makes for nice, light reading I don't care what anyone says! (Ahem....that means you ADG.) I had to laugh when a friend of mine saw me reading the book one day and told me that her classmate is reading it too. My friend is 8. Oh well, if a bunch of men in their late '30s can get together to play Dungeons and Dragons every week (Ahem...that means you ADG!) then I can read a children's book about the adventures of Ma and Pa, Mary, Laura and 'Manzo.